Saturday 23 July 2022
UKCC Southern Gigafinals Champs Bring it Home to Essex

Well done to our Essex juniors, who won the UKCC Southern Gigafinals, and those who placed in the tournament.
Congratulations to Ruqayyah Rida, who won the U10 Girls section, Luoke Wang, who became the U10 Boys Champion, and Mae Catabay, who earned the U12 Girls Champion title at the UK Chess Challenge Southern Gigafinal.
After qualifying and winning the UKCC Megafinals, the three continued the momentum with an impressive victory in all their games at the Southern Gigafinals in Harrow. They will advance to the Terafinals in October 2022 to play in the beautiful Blenheim Palace.
The great news doesn't stop there! Nearly all of the Essex Juniors placed in the tournament
Congratulations to:
Under 8
Jason Ren - 2nd Place 6/7
Grace Wilde - 3rd Place Girls 5/7
Ethan Hu - 3/7
Under 10
Luoke Wang - 1st Place 7/7
Ruqayyah Rida - 1st Place Girls 7/7
Rezin Catabay - 3rd Place 5.5/7
Under 12
Mae Catabay - 1st Place Girls 7/7