Saturday 15 October 2022
Ruqayyah and Olga Earn UKCC Top Terafinals Prizes
The Delancey UK Schools Chess Challenge is the largest junior chess tournament in the UK, becoming one of the largest in the world! The tournament begins with school clubs and progresses in difficulty over four stages. The final stage, the Terafinals, brings the twelve best players in the country of each age group (U8, U10, U12, U14, & U18) to battle it out for the title of Champion. Four of our Essex Juniors earned a spot to play in the finals, including U10 Luoke Wang and U12 Mae Catabay. But it was Ruqayyah Rida and Olga Latypova who achieved the winning titles in the tournament. Ruqayyah became the U10 UKCC Girls Champion and also came third overall with an impressive 8/11 points. Olga, who is no stranger to the Terafinals, took the title of U14 UKCC Girls Champion with 4.5/11 points in the challenging section.
A big congratulations to Luoke, Mae, Ruqayyah and Olga for the amazing achievement of playing in the Delancey UKCC Terafinals!